Thursday 14 April 2011

What IF!!

This is the first time that I'm using the internet to put down my thoughts in the form of a blog. I really don't know how to start or what to write. But I have always wanted to write down the thoughts popping in my head every now and then but then I fear what if I goofed up.
What if? Lots of questions in our life which goes unanswered and only then we start wondering if life would have been better if we had something else or if we had taken a diffenrent decision. And at these times these are the two words which keeps me confused making me go wild. Questions keep on coming but seldom has there been some questions which were answered. I would like to share a few questions which normally keep coming in my mind. The first question is, "What if I were born on a different date or a different place then would I have been more lucky than I am now or things would be different?" I really dont know if I am the sole person on this earth who thinks this but sometimes this question really keeps playing on and on in my head. Its like someone playing the same song again and again, though this question is not an interesting one for me. He he he.......

Another question is, "What if I had more money or luxury or fame, then would life be easier, interesting or boring?" I guess this is a common question which must be playing in everyone's mind like it plays in mine. Though I have no answers to my former question but I know the answer for the latter. Neither money nor fame can get you happiness. Happiness comes from within and being with your loved ones, the more you love yourself and the people around the more you will receive it and the more happy you will be. I know this is something which everyone of you must have heard of or read about but only a few among us practice this in real life. No matter how troubled we are in our lives or no matter how difficult the situation gets if we have the spirit to fight with it head on then there would not be a single instance in life when we would feel let down of lonely in life. When I am down I normally talk it out to my closest friends or family. So people keep the conversation on and also the love and laughter flowing freely so that problems will just wash away in it soon as it pops in.  he heh.....