Saturday 17 September 2016

Bidding Goodbye

I speak to you, I speak my heart out
I talk to you, I want to be heard
I cry to you, I cry my heart out
I do so because you are my only escape, one who I think would understand
You stand out of the crowd, you are the one in many who cares for me more than anyone else.

You are my shadow, you are that one piece of me which is inseparable
You are near me, yet so far away from me
You give me happiness, you give me peace, yet you give me a sharp aching pain
A pain which is killing me silently,
I swear that I will never be back to you again, not even if a part of me is dying to see you, hear you... ...not even then.

But I can only confess that you lost a bit of me today, the bit you forgot ever existed
I have taken a step ahead and bid goodbye to you, hoping to see you someday
A day when I am no more a part of you, a day when you shall look upto me, and would have nothing to give back in return
Feeling a little cold inside, or feeling nothing at all...
That day you would bid me goodbye, a goodbye which would last forever in your memories, just to keep me alive... at least there's where I would only exist..............

Goodbye stranger!