Sunday 4 August 2013


Just came up with this random thought while I was half asleep last night and couldn't help myself so woke up and started scribbling it down. The thought was a free term, Freedom. To most it means a feeling or emotion to feel free from worries, troubles, thoughts, people, situations and many more. Most of us come across this word many a time during the day, while working, while driving, while cooking, while reading, while walking, as a matter of fact innumerable times and we all think about it right at the back of our minds. Thinking about it rigorously or may be even calmly sometimes trying to share it with some and sometimes keeping it to self or should I say most times keeping it to self. Well to me it occurs this way. To me freedom here would be a feeling which would not stop me from sharing things with someone which I’m thinking of, it could be about something or about someone which hardly matters. But what really matters is the freedom of being able to share my thoughts (which are free and keep popping in my mind) with someone every second I blink. It’s hard at times to share things with people but at the same time it is harder to keep things to oneself. The more we keep doing it the more we keep killing ourselves slowly and moderately. There have been so many books written and so many researches done by learned people to study the mind and its various affairs but has anyone ever wondered why we keep thinking on and on without break or any gap. I have no idea to it too as I’m not a genius either, neither do I wish to become one. 

A simple thought which came to my mind and led me to reach out to you saying just one thing. Do you freely choose to share whatever you are thinking of or do you choose to choose from the thoughts and then make a choice of sharing it? Well, aren't we making it way too complicated by keeping most things to ourselves? Who knows we might be one step away from making something big or winning a fortune or even making it to the Guinness records? Why do we always get stuck with complications while we can just sit back with a bucket of popcorn watching a movie giving a damn to the whole damn world? 

Hmm… I guess a single mistake which most of us do is not giving a chance to free our mind thereby freeing our souls. Once that is done we are half way through. And freeing our mind could be done by being able to share what we think of. Just give it a thought… a free thought and share it with me if you like. I’m free to listen to it… and will share my thought as well.

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