Sunday 28 August 2011

Gentle Dreams

             I imagine being in a world that is free of worries and pain and where I can re-live a life full of happiness and content. I wonder where such places really exist. As I close my eyes I see something amazing which started like this……Tall golden grasses gently moving with the cool breeze making me feel like I am in heaven. Walking down the yellow patch of free land I reach a view which seems so clear in my mind that I almost feel like I am really there. Swoosh! I’m there and I see golden grass everywhere swaying to and fro with the gentle wind blowing swiftly, I feel it too. Ah, it’s so fresh that I smell the freshness of it. Wow! An amazing thing to be feeling while I’m writing which I can see and feel at the same time, but the best part would be if I can show you the place I’m in too. I see I’m on a high land near the sea; I walk slowly with my palms reaching out to touch the living nature, the dancing grass moving with the beats of the wind. As I reach the end of the cliff I notice that I’m on a high altitude. I move my eyes from just below the cliff to the larger view which is right in front, a spectacular scene which is simply so beautiful and serene. The land ending there facing the sea introduces me to the water world which spreads beyond what my eyes could see. The blue shade of the water which begins right where the golden color stops, what a deadly combination. As I listen more carefully I can hear the waves hitting the shore so hard as if they were trying to get my attention. And as I looked at it, it smiled back at me. I am alone yet I feel so content as if there were someone so important I trusted sitting right next to me enjoying the beauty. I know who it is, it’s the nature who is so powerful that it never lets you feel alone or lonely. Strange, I feel lonely when I’m surrounded with so many people but here I just feel the opposite. I look around just to make sure if there is anyone or it’s just my imagination. But I’m convinced that I’m alone but not lonely there. An immense satisfaction I’m having here sitting quietly gazing at the sea. There is no music but everything moving in rhythm, the wind, the waves and the grass. Who needs Enrique’s love songs to enjoy this evening while I’m on a date with myself? Having said this, time just flies so quickly that the morning sun starts changing its color as it goes down which in turn changes the color of everything else. A setting sun always makes me emotional and leaves me with a heavy heart, the reason for which I haven’t known yet. I’m sure it happens with you too, it’s universal I guess. The sun may have gone down but the best time to enjoy the sound of waves is at night time. So I decide to climb down the cliff and take a walk on the wet sand. Better take off your shoes else you wouldn’t enjoy this ride. The sun has lent some light to the moon and that’s why it’s lit now to make our night the most memorable one, a one to remember.

           It was tough getting off the climb but I’ve succeeded at last. Panting hard to take a grip on my breath, I rest on a large rock to get my heart pumping blood the normal way. It will take a minute or two to get back to normal so I just raise my head and look up at the sky and I see a star studded sky with in numerable stars twinkling. And as I keep staring with excitement my eyes stop at the moon. A whole moon which has come out only for me tonight was shining so bright that I almost felt like taking a piece of it with me back home. I could almost reach the sky it seemed so close, moon looked so white as if it had been to the dentist today for getting the plaque removed. I stood there in aw to get such a surprise and I thought I already had seen the best of nature. As I revive from the surprise I start hearing the waves again telling me to join them, splashing a bit of it on air. Wind is gentle on me tonight but it’s a different song it seems to be playing on which the waves are dancing so I decide to have a closer look and take the walk of my life on this beautiful evening with the most precious person in my life, I. I can feel the wind touching my bare arms and legs as I’m wearing a short siphon white dress, the perfect one to wear for the moonlit walk after the dinner date. 

         I still stand there waiting to be greeted and to my surprise I’m hit by the first wave touching my feet. Gosh! The water sparkling like diamonds have covered my feet, it’s such a great feeling. The feeling of wet sand underneath my feet as I take the first walk on this lonesome beach, hundreds of thousands of thoughts flashing in my mind but I’m so calm that those thoughts seem not to move me by anyway it could. I’m just moved by these beautiful moments of joy I’m given to enjoy. A step after another as I take on the beach I start realizing that life would be so better if we could just make it so simple that we feel like we just own it and we can only own it if we enjoyed every bit of it. 

1 comment:

  1. awesome Dia..loved every bit of it ! You should write more :)
